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Some friends of Collegium Musicum Of London
City: London    
Church of Our MostHoly Redeemer Exmouth Market LONDON EC1 4QE 
The subject of light – in all its manifestations – has been inspirational for composers for centuries. Collegium Musicum of Lo... Continue
St James's Church, Piccadilly, London W1J 9LL 
Join Collegium Musicum of London and a dazzling array of soloists and instrumentalists in a spectacular celebration of Baroque mas... Continue
St John’s Church, Lansdowne Crescent Notting Hill London W11 2NN 
Rachmaninov had composed the piece at his summer estate Ivanovka, following his American tour of 1909. A... Continue
St Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road, London SW7 4AL 
Bernstein & the Americans - Chichester Psalms, with works by Eric Whitacre, Philip Glass and Stephen Sondheim In the Summer of 196... Continue