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Some friends of Collegium Musicum Of London
City: London    
Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer, Exmouth Market, London EC1R4QE 
Inspire A cappella choral revelations. CML’s annual short, drive-time concert in Clerkenwell. 3 March, 6.30pm Church of Our Most... Continue
St James's, Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL, UK 
Brahms’s German Requiem, witten as a tribute to his mother, and designed to comfort the grieving, has touched many people’s li... Continue
Trinity United Reformed Church Mansel Road Wimbledon London SW19 4AA 
The subject of light – in all its manifestations – has been inspirational for composers for centuries. Collegium Musicum of Lo... Continue
St Sepulchre’s Church Holborn Viaduct London, EC1A 2DQ, UK 
Bach: Magnificat In June of 1722, the post of Kantor of the Thomasschule in Leipzig became vacant. Over the next seven months, a n... Continue