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Some friends of Gnessins
Some pages
City: Moscow    Instruments: Bassoon, Clarinet, Cello, Piano, Percussion, Violin, Oboe, Organ, Harp, Bass, Flute, Saxophone    Languages: russian, english     Founded in 1944    


S. Rachmaninov. Concerto for piano and orchestra № 1, р. I
Orchestra of Moscow state College of musical performance named Chopin
Vladimir Rizhaev, сonductor
Soloist - Victor Maslov (Gnesin Moscow Special School of Music)
Laureate of 2014
Professor - Olga Maslova
Closing of the Festival "Romantic-fest 2014"
Gnesin Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra
Mikhail KHOKHLOV, сonductor
Soloist - Irina Yagudina (Moscow state College of musical performance named Chopin)
Laureate of 2014 Professor - Alexander Mnuskin
W. Popp. Concert waltz from the Opera
D. Verdi "La Traviata"

March 8, 2014
Closing of the Festival "Romantic-fest 2014"
Gnesin Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra
Mikhail KHOKHLOV, сonductor
Soloist - Arina Zelenina (Moscow state College of musical performance named Chopin)
Laureate of 2014Professor - Asya Kushner
A. Vivaldi. Concerto "Winter"
March 8, 2014
Closing of the Festival "Romantic-fest 2014"
Opening of the Festival "Romantic-fest 2014"
Margarita Sirenko (Gnesin Moscow Special School of Music)
Winner of the festival 2013 Professor - Maria Chepurina
Concertmaster - Аnna Grishina
G. Faure. Fantasia for flute and piano op. 79
J. Massenet. Meditation
D. Briccialdi. Venice carnival

Открытие фестиваля "Romantic-fest 2014"
Маргарита Сиренко (МССМШ им. Гнесиных)
Лауреат фестиваля 2013 г.
Преподаватель - М. А. Чепурина
Концертмейстер - А. Гришина
Г. Форе. Фантазия для флейты и фортепиано ор. 79
Ж. Массне. Размышление
Д. Бриччальди. Венецианский карнавал